2017年5月21日 星期日

亞瑟:王者之劍 King Arthur OST- 電影配樂原聲 [MP3@320K@OL@171.84MB]

【歌手姓名】:Daniel Pemberton
【專輯名稱】:亞瑟:王者之劍 King Arthur: Legend of The Sword OST 電影配樂原聲
【專輯大小】:171.84 MB

本片改编自亞瑟:王者之劍的传说,剧情颠覆传统,一路探索亚瑟从市井到王座的征途。亚瑟的父亲在他小时候就惨遭杀害,亚瑟的叔叔伏提庚(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)篡取王位,剥夺了亚瑟(查理·汉纳姆 Charlie Hunnam 饰)的天赐之权。他浑然不知自己的身世,在城市的穷街陋巷里摸爬滚打着长大,但当他拔出石中剑,他的人生就彻底地天翻地覆了,亚瑟不得不接受自己真正的使命。
Soundtrack to filmmaker Guy Ritchie's epic action adventure film King Arthur: Legend of the Sword from Golden Globe nominated composer Daniel Pemberton (Steve Jobs, Man From U.N.C.L.E.). Bonus tracks available for download with purchase of CD.

01. From Nothing Comes a King (0:43)
02. King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2:52)
03. Growing Up Londinium (2:42)
04. Jackseye's Tale (3:31)
05. The Story of Mordred (2:00)
06. Vortigen and the Syrens (2:18)
07. The Legend of Excalibur (2:44)
08. Seasoned Oak (2:19)
09. The Vikings & The Barons (2:59)
10. The Politics & The Life (3:22)
11. Tower & Power (3:53)
12. The Born King (2:31)
13. Assassins Breathe (4:23)
14. Run Londinium (5:46)
15. Fireball (2:03)
16. Journey to the Caves (1:57)
17. The Wolf & The Hanged Men (2:29)
18. Camelot in Flames (2:25)
19. The Lady in the Lake (3:08)
20. The Darklands (2:43)
21. Revelation (3:05)
22. King Arthur: Destiny of the Sword (2:43)
23. The Power of Excalibur (4:04)
24. Knights of the Round Table (3:30)
25. King Arthur: The Coronation (1:46)
26. The Devil & The Huntsman (4:18)
27. The Ballad of Londinium (Bonus Track) (2:49)
28. Riot & Flames (Bonus Track) (1:59)
29. Anger (Bonus Track) (1:55)
30. Cave Fight (Bonus Track) (1:26)
31. Confrontation with the Common Man (Bonus Track) (2:32)
32. The Devil & The Daughter (Bonus Track) (4:25)

Daniel Pemberton-亞瑟:王者之劍 King Arthur: Legend of The Sword OST

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